Home Flood Protection

At Lakeside Flood Solutions, we specialise in providing quality Home Flood Protection products to our clients all over the UK to protect their property from the damaging effects of flooding. Our highly engineered home flood protection systems are available in a variety of measures that range from doors to barriers, to gates and windows, to mitigate the risk of flood at your property.



Importance Of Quality Home Flood Protection

Flooding can cause significant damage to your home, both in terms of property and personal belongings. Therefore, it’s important to take steps to protect your home from flooding, especially if you live in an area prone to flooding or have experienced flooding in the past. Other reasons why investing in home flood protection is essential includes:

Protects your property: Flooding can cause significant damage to your home and property, resulting in costly repairs and replacements. Quality flood protection measures can help prevent or minimize damage to your property during a flood.

Keeps your family safe: Flooding can pose a serious threat to the safety of you and your family. Quality home flood protection measures can help keep you and your loved ones safe by preventing or minimizing the risk of injury or harm.

Reduces stress and anxiety: Dealing with the aftermath of a flood can be stressful and overwhelming. Quality flood protection measures can help reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the potential for flood damage, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your ability to protect your home.

Increases property value: Homes that have flood protection measures in place are often more attractive to potential buyers, as they provide added safety and security. Investing in flood protection measures can increase the value of your home and make it more marketable in the future.

Save money in the long run: In the event of a flood, repairing your property can be severely costly, but investing in flood protection can reduce the need for further expenditures and save you money in the long run.

Quality home flood protection is crucial for protecting your property, keeping your family safe, reducing stress and anxiety, saving money in the long run, and increasing the value of your home.


Home Flood Protection At Lakeside Flood Solutions

We specialise in providing our clients with a range of home flood protection systems to suit the size and location of their houses. Whether you live right near a canal or have experienced severe flooding previously, it’s important to invest in appropriate home flood protection to not only save your belongings but also to prevent you from having to move house and location.

With over 35 years of experience working as a leading flood protection company, we provide complete product and service solutions from design, production, supply and installation to continued maintenance, you will be guaranteed a thorough and dependable service.


Our home flood protection products include Flood Doors, Flood Barriers, Flood Gates, Flood Windows and brick defence. Get in touch today to find out more


Home Flood Protection Products Available

We provide a range of home flood protection products at Lakeside Flood Solutions, all with different benefits and uses. All our products are priced competitively, and all include in-house installations performed by experienced and highly trained Lakeside Operatives, so you know you will be in safe hands.

Our home flood protection systems include:


Flood Doors

We specialise in a variety of Flood Doors, which are effective, quick-deployment flood defence devices suitable for a variety of premises. Available in uPVC Flood Doors, Composite Flood Doors, Steel Flood Doors, Stainless Steel Fire & Flood Doors.

Flood Barriers

We offer a range of flood barriers, the most suitable for homes being our Demountable Aluminium Flood Barrier. Demountable flood barrier profiles are slotted into permanent frames during a flood event, allowing for quick and easy deployment and increased resilience. Available in Demountable Flood barriers, Temporary Flood Barriers, Self-closing Flood Barriers, and Automatic Hydraulic Flood Barriers.

Flood Gates

We offer a range of Flood Gates which are easy to deploy and maintain. Available in Aluminium Flood Gates, Stainless Steel Flood Gates, and Timber Flood Gates.

Flood Windows

Flood window barriers are always ready to keep your property safe from storm water and debris. Their revolutionary clear design maximises flood protection while preserving your clear view and attractiveness.

Brick Defence

We provide a variety of automatic and manual procedures to keep water out of air bricks and vent holes. Available products are Anti-Flood Air Bricks and Vent Covers.


Speak To Us Today

For home flood protection, contact us at Lakeside Flood Solutions today by calling us on 01792 561117 or through our contact form.